Saturday, August 14, 2010

New Design!

Just updated the blog design now^^and must say I quite like it! I got tired of the old one...


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Too many pictures!

I found out that I have too many pics which I have taken in China during the holiday, but too little time to work on them...but I promise, sooner or later I will run them on photoshop! Just give me time, with the job and a whole new school study which I am going to start on from the next weeko.O I'm nervous and at the same time excited! Wish me luck<3

Friday, August 6, 2010

So slow.....!

Today I used almost half of my day with digital painting! And I'm not even halfwayT.T Guess that's the problem being a newbie to digital tools for creating art=/ A pics of what I'm currently working on:

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Realistic try!

I dag kjøpte jeg meg en ny type tegnepapir, Bristol Board, etter å ha blitt inspirert av tegningene til KLSADAKO på Deviant. Blyantstrekene på tegningene hans ser veldig myke ut. Han brukte disse tegnepapirene så jeg bestemte meg for å teste det ut. Og nei, jeg tror ikke at jeg klarer å tegne like bra som han bare fordi jeg bruker samme arktypexD Men inspirert er jeg ihvertfall;-) Arkene er veldig glatte, så jeg tror det vil gå fint å bruke de til mangategninger og fargelegging hvis det skulle vise seg at jeg failer i portrettkategorienT.T

So.. here I am, trying to draw realistic! And I must say I was very inspired and determined to do it right, but then again, I failed (again) T.T
I managed to draw a face, but somehow, it ended up looking like a totally different person than the model I used=O I was trying to draw Koike Teppei^^ but when I finished the eyes, nose and mouth and I looked satisfying at my drawing, I was hit by shock! The person on the paper looked like Zac Efron! Wt..?!How could this happen? Koike Teppei  Zac Efron? There are no similarities between those two, but miraculously I must have drawn the wrong person all the way, without knowing it=S Comical, yesxD And it has happened before, when I was trying to draw Maki Horikita and it ended up looking a different unknown girlo.O
Not sure where the problem lies. Blame it on my bad eyes! Maybe I have calculated the facial proportions wrong, although it is different to find out how large the space between the eyes has to be, or the nose=S And I used a ruler! Try it yourself if you don’t believe me! Fortunately, I corrected my drawing so it now looks less Zacish and more…another person^^ And I have to admit that I’m pleased with the finished results=D, although it isn’t Teppei T.T

Anyway, I am not going to cut realistic drawing! It’s fun with challenges and who knows, one day I might manage to draw a portrait of my favourite artists;-) As it says, practice makes perfect! *thinks back to the past when I couldn’t draw properly manga characters-.-

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Hi there!

This is going to be my Art-diary, which means that I will post up info about my drawings and photos, as well as my current works. There will be information about the inspiration behind it, the message in the art and so on^^ This blog is merely for fun and to archive my art process for later view. If there is some improvement you think I can make in my art, please leave a constructive comment^^ No bashing!

Daydreaming Artist
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